LUST @ Home Jan 14th-15th


Delivery will happen on Sat, Jan 15th.
Pickups will be on either Fri, Jan 14th or Sat, Jan 15th.

This menu is for one person, so if you need enough for two, order two. Want it vegetarian? Let us know in the order notes section during checkout.


First Course
Macaroni + Cheese Croquettes w Peppers, Olives, + PestoSecond Course
Steam Bun Feast! Slow-Roasted Sticky Hoisin Chicken Breast with Steam Buns, Sesame Aioli, Sichuan Eggplant Salad, and Herbs

Apple Toffee Cake with Toffee Crust, and Brandy-Caramelized Apples

When you add the menu to your cart, you need to input your postal code to get updated delivery and pickup options.

The food will be delivered/picked up cold, and you will heat + serve everything.

FYI, the pickup location will be in the Kensington Market area.


All ingredients we use are locally sourced, sustainably raised, and purchased from independent shops.

Delivery/Pickup Info-
We will email you further delivery and pickup details after your order is received.

Check out our FAQ page, or send us an email.